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Local Law 97

New York City launched local law 97 in 2019 to reduce carbon emissions from buildings as part of the Climate Mobilization Act. This new york city local law 97 sets carbon ceilings on buildings that occupy an area of over 25,000 square feet. These caps begin in 2024 and will become stricter over time, eventually reducing emissions by 80 percent by 2050. This NYC local law 97 law is the most aspiring building emissions law enforced by any city globally.

NYC Local Law 97

Process to handle LL97 with IAG Energy

Initial Energy Evaluation

  • IAG Energy will give you a detailed report of emissions for each of your buildings. This concept will clearly show where your building currently stands in terms of carbon emissions in 2024-2029 and then 2030-2034. If the building is under its allotment, no further steps are required, and we will inspect the building over the next few years to ensure allotted emissions. However, if the building exceeds the emission level, the local law 97 NYC report will specify the exact amount of fines to be levied on the building from 2024 to 2029.
  • Retro-commissioning Energy Audits and Operation plans are recommended for buildings that are currently exceeding their carbon limit.

Energy Audit & Retro-Commissioning Plan

  • Evaluation of existing facilities
  • Evaluation of current equipment
  • Boilers and controls, hot water systems, HVAC systems and their components, building envelope components (roofs, doors, windows), lighting systems, control equipment, and building management systems.
  • Analysis of current energy consumption
  • All areas where landlords and tenants expend energy.
  • A detailed report of recommended emission reduction improvements will be included in the study to analyze the number of metric tons disposed of for each upgrade against the project cost.
  • The LL97 report will also include flexible estimates for upgrading costs, potential incentives, discounts, and funds available for upgrading. In addition, once the upgrade is implemented, a timeline up to the break-even point will be included for each building.

Implementation Of Energy Upgrades (Optional):

  • Once the building's energy usage is understood, IAG Energy will develop customized energy upgrade measures to verify that the building complies with local law 97 carbon limits by 2024.
  • All available rebates and incentives will be applied to balance the project's cost.
  • IAG Energy will handle all aspects of project management of ll97 nyc from beginning to end.

Getting started with your LL97 compliance is easy. Just give us a call to schedule a free consultation.

Carbon Solutions for NYC Building Owners

The only way to ensure that your building does not exceed the 2024 carbon limit is to start planning now. IAG Energy sends local law 97 energy evaluation reports free of charge to all our new and existing standard customers. These reports offer a detailed overview of the following information:


  • Current use of carbon emissions in buildings
  • Allotment of carbon for 2024
  • Allotment of carbon for 2030
  • Amount of penalty (if any)


Once buildings that are at risk of exceeding their energy allotment are identified, the next step for NYC ll97 is to discuss potential energy efficiency improvements that will reduce overall energy consumption and maximize savings in two ways:


  • Minimize utility bills
  • LL97 Compliance – No carbon fine and penalty


What is the Climate Mobilization Act?

The Climate Mobilization Act is a group of laws passed by the New York City Council on April 18, 2019. Local Law 97 (Building Emissions Act) is the heart of the package and is the most effective. In addition, the package includes other important legislation related to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, including sustainable energy loans (called PACE financing), mandatory green roofs, and energy storage assessments.

How do I find whether my property is subject to the new law?

Generally, if a property is subject to New York City benchmarking law (requiring an annual report on energy and water use), then the building is subject to emissions law.

What is the difference between "carbon emissions" and "energy consumption"?

Buildings use a wide range of energy, including electricity, natural gas, various fuel oils, and local steam. Carbon emissions are mainly from burning fossil fuels.

These different types of energy use release different amounts of carbon. To calculate carbon emissions in buildings, the use of every kind of energy to convert from energy use to carbon emissions must be multiplied by the "emission factor" (also called the "greenhouse gas factor")

One of the primary reasons is that variations in the source of electricity flowing into the New York City electrical grid change the emission factor for electricity.

Are the new buildings constructed according to the new energy code required to comply?

Yes. Covered buildings must comply with applicable emission limits or other requirements, regardless of compliance with energy laws.

How can I reduce the carbon emissions in my building?

Energy-saving will be the most effective way to reduce the carbon footprint of a building. Different fuels have different carbon densities, so targeting carbon-intensive fuels will save carbon.

The first step in lowering costs is to train building operations personnel in best practices for energy efficiency. Changes in equipment schedules, temperature setpoints, and other properties can reduce energy consumption without incurring additional costs. IAG Energy's operations and maintenance essentials will enable the building crew to make these adjustments and save energy on the spot.

You must file a benchmarking report every year before May 1st.

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Simply request a free consultation by sending us this form. We will start the process of making your building compliant and penalty free immediately.




Local Law 97 Success Stories

Learn more how IAG helped this properties comply with the LL84 yearly energy benchmarking requirements.

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